The Southeast Sulawesi Province Human Development Index was recorded at 70.61 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Konawe Utara Regency

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The Southeast Sulawesi Province Human Development Index was recorded at 70.61

The Southeast Sulawesi Province Human Development Index was recorded at 70.61Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : August 15, 2019
File Size : 0 MB


  • Human development in Southeast Sulawesi Province continues to progress marked by the continued increase in the Southeast Sulawesi Human Development Index (HDI). in 2018, Southeast Sulawesi's HDI reached 70.61. This figure increased by 0.75 points compared to the Southeast Sulawesi HDI in 2017 which amounted to 69.86.
  • Since 2018, the status of human development in Southeast Sulawesi has reached a "high" level. Southeast Sulawesi HDI in 2018 grew by 1.07 percent compared to 2017.
  • During the period 2017 to 2018, the components forming the HDI also increased. newborns have the opportunity to live up to 70.72 years, an increase of 0.25 years compared to the previous year. 7-year-old children have the opportunity to attend school for 13.53 years, an increase of 0.17 years compared to 2017. Meanwhile, the population aged 25 years and above has an average education of 8.69 years, an increase of 0 , 23 years compared to the previous year. Public expenditure per capita (constant price 2012) has reached Rp 9,262 million in 2018, an increase of Rp 168 thousand rupiah compared to the previous year.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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