The Southeast Sulawesi NTP index in February 2018 was 93.91 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Konawe Utara Regency

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The Southeast Sulawesi NTP index in February 2018 was 93.91

The Southeast Sulawesi NTP index in February 2018 was 93.91Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : March 8, 2018
File Size : 0.45 MB


  • South East Sulawesi's NTP index in February 2018 was 93.91, a decrease of 0.49 percent compared to the previous month's 94.37. The NTP index of each sub-sector was recorded as follows: Food Crops Subsector (NTPP) 91.85
  • Horticultural Subsector (NTPH) 88.66; Subsector of Smallholder Plantation (NTPR) 86.80; Livestock Sub-sector (NTPT) 103,85; and Fisheries Sub-sector (NTNP) 116.61. While the National NTP Index of 102.33 or decreased by 0.57 percent from the previous 102.92
  •  In February 2018, nationally 14 provinces experienced an increase in the NTP Index, while the other 19 provinces experienced a decrease in index. The highest increase was recorded in Riau Province of 1.16 percent, while the largest decline was recorded in West Nusa Tenggara Province by 1.66 percent.
  •  In February 2018, Southeast Sulawesi province recorded a 0.48 percent inflation in rural areas. This is due to an increase in the price index in the six categories of household consumption, namely the foodstuff category rose by 0.86 percent; food, beverage, cigarette and tobacco group 0.33 percent; housing group 0.08 percent; clothing group by 0.18 percent; health group 0.20 percent; as well as transportation and communication groups rose by 0.18 percent. While the education, recreation, and sports group decreased by 0.12 percent.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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